Here is a library of our thought leadership and other articles. For further information please contact us on:
A guide to success in cross-border deals: Doing the right deal, Paying the right price, and Managing your investment. Also includes an approach to deals undertaken in the past, which make not be living up to expectations.
The primary responsibility of management is the creation of value. This guide walks you through the considerations and process of value creation from strategic, operational, financial and other sources.
A guide to Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of cross-border expansion.
M&A does not succeed or fail by itself, it succeeds or fails because of the actions of people. Learn more about managing the people side of M&A
One third of all M&A are carve-out deals. Here is our overview of the specific issues and approach to these complex M&A transactions from both a buyer and a sellers perspective
The foundation of all other integration activities is the exerting of control over your target company and de-risking of your investment. This guide defines the different aspects of control and the approach to each.